Spacious and Secure - Beauty on Balzagette

  • 4 x container-height RSDs
  • Large canopy and side driveway
  • Dual-level corporate office areas: 297m²

Cameron is proud to offer 45 Bazalgette Crescent, Dandenong South for lease.

This stand-out, 2,463m² office warehouse is situated within the award-winning Logis Industrial Estate, nationally recognised for its urban design, amenity, and eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives. The estate features three diamond interchanges, providing immediate access to Eastlink and the Dandenong Bypass via Greens Road and Hammond Road.

Total building area 2,463 m², including 297 m² of dual-level, corporate office areas

Key highlights:

– High internal clearance
– Four (4) container height roller doors for inwards/outwards goods
– Large side drive and loading canopy
– Modern tilt slab premises
– Fully fenced and secure
– Dual-level, corporate office and amenities including reception, boardroom, heating/cooling, and lunchroom
– End-of-trip facilities including a shower
– 37 on-site car spaces

Contact the exclusive agents at Cameron now to book an inspection.

Measurements are approximate and outlines are indicative only.

Contact Agents

Angus Clark
Angus Clark


Tom Langley
Tom Langley

Sales & Leasing Consultant

Property Information

For Lease
$360,000 pa + GST & outgoings
Floor Area2,463m²
Land Area4,000m²
Car Parks37